Happy Clients

Commercials Building
Industrials Plants
Roads and Bridges
Ports and Harbours
PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk - KRYA noted that projects handled throughout 2023 amounted to IDR 262.73 billion. The total project achievement is equivalent to 105.82% of the RKAP target for obtaining the KRYA project for the whole of 2023 which reached IDR 248.28 billion.
An interesting note regarding the project handled by KRYA in 2023, it turns out to be much larger than the Company's market capitalization on 22 August 2023, which only reached IDR 111.48 billion. In other words, the project that KRYA will achieve in 2023 is 2.3 times larger than the market capitalization of KRYA's shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Throughout 2023, KRYA recorded a number of sizable new projects including:
Meanwhile, Dharmo Budiono - Main Director of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. said, "I am quite optimistic about the company's performance and contract achievements for the remainder of 2023. And continue to initiate a number of strategic breakthroughs to ensure efficiency in project implementation, while paying attention to quality and service."
Dharmo added that in each of its project completion targets, KRYA always pays attention to and prioritizes the quality and timeliness of work delivery to employers, accompanied by the highest level of occupational safety and health (K3), so as to provide satisfactory results for all parties involved and increase the trust of clients and investors from within and outside the country with a mature strategy and business development.
*** Overview of KRYA ***
PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. having ticker code KRYA, is a leading national construction company specializing in steel fabrication and general contractors. Founded by Mr. Dharmo Budiono, ST and Mrs. Brigitta Notoatmodjo, ST on January 7, 2007. In 2015, PT Bangun Karya Perka Jaya Tbk. won ISO 9001:2015 on quality management and ISO 14001:2015 on environmental impact management and ISO 45001:2018 on occupational health and safety management. KRYA's focus is on infrastructure projects (roads, bridges and waterworks) and industrial buildings such as factories and warehouses.
For more information, contact:
For further information, please contact:
Dharmo Budiono - President Director of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk.
Surabaya Office
Margomulyo Jaya Block H/10-11 Jl. Sentong Asri (Raya Margomulyo), Surabaya
Plaza Segi Delapan Ruko Block C/851-852 Darmo Permai III, Surabaya
Phone: +62-31-9900 1448
Jakarta Office:
Tower Fontana Floor 31 Units J2 & K2
The Mansion Bougenville Block D.
Jl Trembesi – East Pademangan, North Jakarta 14410
Phone: +62-21-2260 7029
#Always be Creating... Glory... Glory... Glory
Editorial Team KRYA
PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk – KRYA has again won a new contract from PLN and the Platinum Group, which are the Company's new customers. This PLN project originates from its subsidiary, namely PT PLN Indonesia Power, which will re-build a coal dome with a width of span 200 meters, and extends to connect with the existing 48 meters, in Adipala District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java with a project value of IDR 60.92 billion.
Meanwhile, the Platium Group project was won from PT Surya Multi Cemerlang, for the construction of line 3 and line 4 granite production plants located in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java with a project value of Rp 99.65 billion. As for last July 2023, KRYA also won the tender for the Gaung Bay pier repair project from Pelindo Holding which is located in Padang City with a value of IDR 22.64 billion. Previously also in early 2023, KRYA had won the trust to work on a project from one of the largest food and beverage companies in Indonesia, namely the Wings Group, for the construction of a nondairy creamer and milk powder factory. The value of the initial development project for the WINGS GROUP factory reached Rp. 14.19 billion, which continued to grow with additional addendum contracts so that it was worth Rp. 35.18 billion. And the Wings Group also entrusted KRYA to complete the project for the construction of an RO utility and warehouse worth IDR 8.25 billion and the construction of a tank farm foundation worth IDR 3.11 billion. So the total new contracts won by KRYA until 23 August 2023 amounted to IDR 229.76 billion. Apart from the new contract, KRYA is also still carrying out the carry over project from the previous year. Among these projects, Rp. 20.91 billion is a project that comes from BUMN financing and Rp. 12.06 billion is a project that comes from private corporate financing. Overall, the project being handled by KRYA in 2023 is IDR 262.73 billion.
The total project achievement is equivalent to 105.82% of the RKAP target for obtaining the KRYA project for the whole of 2023 which reached IDR 248.28 billion. In other words, at the beginning of Q3, KRYA's contract growth has exceeded the 2023 RKAP target. In targeting the completion of its projects, KRYA always pays attention to and prioritizes the quality and timeliness of work delivery to employers, along with the highest level of occupational safety and health (K3), so as to provide satisfactory results for all parties involved and increase trust. clients and investors from within and outside the country with a mature strategy and business development.
Project Table:
YEAR 2023
*** Overview of KRYA ***
PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. having ticker code KRYA, is a leading national construction company specializing in steel fabrication and general contractors. Founded by Mr. Dharmo Budiono, ST and Mrs. Brigitta Notoatmodjo, ST on January 7, 2007. In 2015, PT Bangun Karya Perka Jaya Tbk. won ISO 9001:2015 on quality management and ISO 14001:2015 on environmental impact management and ISO 45001:2018 on occupational health and safety management. KRYA's focus is on infrastructure projects (roads, bridges and waterworks) and industrial buildings such as factories and warehouses.
For more information, contact: For further information, please contact:
Dharmo Budiono - President Director of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk.
Surabaya Office
Margomulyo Jaya Block H/10-11 Jl. Sentong Asri (Raya Margomulyo), Surabaya
Plaza segi 8 Ruko Block C/851-852 Darmo Permai III, Surabaya
Phone: +62-31-9900 1448
Jakarta Office:
Tower Fontana Floor 31 Units J2 & K2
The Mansion Bougenville Block D.
Jl Trembesi – East Pademangan, North Jakarta 14410
Phone: +62-21-2260 7029
#Always be Creating... Glory... Glory... Glory
Editorial Team KRYA
On June 22, 2023 , PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk (KRYA) announced the acquisition of a new contract for the Gaung Bay Jetty Repair project DKC01 & DKC02. This contract has a value of Rp. 22,644,000,000 won from PT Pelindo Holding's public tender. This Jetty repair project is part of Pelindo's efforts to improve port infrastructure in Indonesia. Teluk Gaung Docks DKC01 & DKC02 are one of the important jetties used for public transportation activities. PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk (KRYA) was selected after winning an open tender competition as a contractor based on their competence and experience in implementing previous infrastructure projects. KRYA will carry out the task of carrying out dock repairs, including structural repairs, area expansion, and facility improvements. The acquisition of this contract is expected to increase efficiency and operational capacity of DKC01 & DKC02 Gaung Bay Piers, so as to support business and trade growth in the region. Pelindo hopes that this project can be completed on time and produce quality results. And for KRYA itself, it will automatically increase revenue and profit for 2023.
#Always Work... Glory... Glory... Glory
Editorial Team KRYA