Relatively cheap price valuation, KRYA's controlling shareholder is ready to buy shares
The controlling shareholders of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk, (KRYA), namely PT Bangun Karya Artha Lestari (BKAL) and Mr. Dharmo Budiono - Main Director of KRYA, and Mrs. Brigitta Notoatmodjo - Director of KRYA bought KRYA shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange with the aim of investing.Dharmo Budiono said, "The movement of KRYA's share price throughout 2023 can be considered an anomaly and does not really reflect the valuation and performance of the Company." KRYA has been listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange since July 25, 2022, with an IPO price of IDR 125 per unit. KRYA's share price recorded its highest position at the level of IDR 625 per unit share on December 28 2022. Meanwhile, throughout 2023 KRYA's share price has corrected more than 86.47% and closed at the level of IDR 69 per unit share on trade June 6 2023 .
Even though from a fundamental standpoint, during the first 5 months of 2023, KRYA has pocketed a new contract of IDR 29 billion, and plans to get a contract from Pelindo of IDR 21 billion. Meanwhile Brigitta Notoatmodjo admitted, "The move to buy back shares circulating on the Indonesia Stock Exchange is expected to provide added value for loyal shareholders and investors who have held KRYA shares since the start of the IPO." To facilitate this buyback action, BKAL and KRYA's Board of Directors will budget KRYA's share buyback fund up to a maximum of IDR 5 billion, which comes from personal funds and dividends from shareholders.For information, the controlling shareholder of KRYA is BKAL with a share ownership portion of up to 48.09%, meanwhile Dharmo Budiono holds 16.53%, Brigitta Notoatmodjo who also serves as Director at PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk, is recorded as holding 13.53% and The community holds 21.86%. For information, the shares registered in the name of BKAL, Dharmo Budiono and Brigitta Notoatmodjo are still in script form.
Record Positive Performance in 2022, KRYA Promises to Share Dividends
PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk – KRYA managed to record positive performance in 2022 and was able to maintain its best position in the infrastructure sector with the heavy construction sub-sector. Dharmo Budiono - President Director of KRYA explained "The company plans to distribute dividends for the first time with an amount that is still calculated based on accounting and financial principles and focuses on maintaining the sustainability of the company." The dividend distribution plan will be the subject of discussion at KRYA's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) which will be held in early May, which will also be held in conjunction with the Public Expose. Foreign and domestic investors will be able to attend and participate to see and hear first-hand a number of KRYA's corporate actions, and how KRYA's performance and achievements will be in 2022. Entering 2023 which is full of challenges, KRYA's management remains optimistic to be able to grow with a CAGR range of 15%.
#Always Work... Glory... Glory... Glory
Editorial Team KRYA
*** Sekilas Terkait KRYA *** Didirikan oleh Bapak Dharmo Budiono, ST dan Ibu Brigitta Notoatmodjo, ST pada tanggal 7 Januari 2007. Pada tahun 2015, PT Bangun Karya Perka Jaya Tbk berhasil meraih ISO 9001:2015 tentang manajemen mutu dan ISO 14001:2015 tentang manajemen dampak lingkungan serta ISO 45001:2018 tentang manajemen kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja. Ditahun 2022, PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk juga berhasil meraih ISO 37001:2016 tentang sistem manajemen anti penyuapan (SMAP). Fokus KRYA adalah untuk proyek infrastruktur (jalan, jembatan dan bangunan air) dan bangunan industrial seperti pabrik dan gudang.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, hubungi: For further information, please contact: Dharmo Budiono - Direktur Utama PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. Surabaya Office Margomulyo Jaya Blok H/10-11 Jl. Sentong Asri (Raya Margomulyo), Surabaya Ruko Plasa Segi Delapan Blok C/851-852 Darmo Permai III, Surabaya Phone: +62-31-9900 1448 Jakarta Office: Tower Fontana Lantai 31 Unit J2 & K2 The Mansion Bougenville Blok D. Jl Trembesi – Pademangan Timur, Jakarta Utara 14410 Phone: +62-21-2260 7029 |
On Saturday, January 28, 2023 PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. Make changes to Audit Committee Members and Nomination & Remuneration Members. In order to comply with the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation No.34/POJK.04/2014 and No.55/POJK.04/2015
PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk continue to develop its line of business with a new Vision and Mission. The handover of this position was attended by Mr. Pramana Budihardjo, S.T as the Main Commissioner and Mr. Budi Herlambang, S.H., M.H as the Independent Commissioner of PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk The Board of Commissioners has appointed Mrs. Joan Suryaputra, SE as a Member of the Audit Committee to replace Mrs Sheila Yovita, SE. As well as Mr. Ronald Buyung Sitolang as Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee replacing Mrs. Sophia Mineke as of January 28 2023. Apart from signing the minutes, the Board of Commissioners, Members of the Audit Committee and Members of Nomination & Remuneration made introductions and gave remarks. And don't forget that on this occasion, Mr. Dharmo Budiono as the President Director representing all management expressed his gratitude to the previous Members of the Audit Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Members for the performance and achievements that have been achieved while leading PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk congratulations on duty were also conveyed by asking for directions to jointly provide the best in improving the Company's performance in the future.
PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk.