• +62-31-99001448

  • general@ptbkpjaya.com


Kebijakan Anti Korupsi

The Company always announces and promotes the DAY WITHOUT CORRUPTION throughout the environment within the Company as well as in the community.

The prevention methods are:

  1. Training on anti -corruption and bribery management systems that will use ISO 37001 in the future.
  2. Create clear and transparent SOPs to set fair policies, and provide firm sanctions for fraud committed.
  3. Use accountable accounting software so as to minimize human error.
  4. Conduct internal audits once a month and routine external audits once every 3 (three) months.

The methods of action are:

  1. Giving firm sanctions in the form of disrespectful dismissal.
  2. Impose a fine commensurate with its abuse.
  3. Punish anyone who violates the Criminal Code.