PT BKPJ Tbk. Successfully Maintained Gold Certificate -Reward SMK3 2022 Ministry of Manpower RI
Surabaya, 31 May 2022
PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. (PT. BKPJ), a leading National Construction Company specializing in General Contractors and Steel Fabrication, has successfully defended the SMK3 Award in the form of a Gold Category certificate from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. This award adds to the record of achievement for PT BKPJ which has been consistently committed to the Implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SMK3) in the company's work environment from the Head Office to the entire Project Area. The Gold Certificate, which was signed on May 13, 2022, was received after the 2022 National OHS Month Celebration with the theme, "Implementation of OHS Culture in Every Business Activity to Support the Protection of Workers in the Digitalization Era".
In her speech at the National OSH Month Event, the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Ida Fauziyah said, based on the BPS Employment Data which was calculated from January - March 2022, the number of work accidents was recorded at 61,805 cases, dominated by the young age group of 20-25 years. Therefore, it is necessary to approach and promote more intense and innovative OHS-related preventive approaches and promotions. Labor inspection efforts including K3 are indeed the responsibility of the state as an effort to maintain a balance between rights and obligations for employers and workers. This balance is needed to maintain business continuity and peace of mind in working safely so as to increase productivity and welfare for the workforce.
The application of SMK3 within PT BKPJ is carried out in a disciplined and consistent manner. Some of the programs implemented to improve the OHS Culture in the Company include Daily Fit to Work Check, Toolbox Meeting, Safety Talk, Safety Training, OHS Inspection, Emergency Response Simulation, Periodic Medical Check-Up, Work Environment Hazard Measurement, National OSH Month Celebration, and regular P2K3 evaluation activities in the Company's Monthly Meetings.
Not in a short time, this SMK3 award was received after going through a long series of external audit processes based on PP 50 of 2012 concerning SMK3 which was carried out last year in April 2021. PT BKPJ has fulfilled the requirements for the Early Level SMK3 Audit by fulfilling 66 Audit Criteria and received percentage of achievement 89.06%. This figure increased from the achievement of the previous period of 85.96%.
This award was achieved of course thanks to the support from both internal employees of all divisions at PT BKPJ and from external parties, namely Employers (Project Clients) and Supplier Partners. By continuing to keep abreast of the times and remaining consistent in the commitment to implementing SMK3 in the workplace, PT BKPJ strives to develop itself to prepare for the future to be successful in advancing to a higher SMK3 Audit level to the Transitional Level by meeting the 122 Audit Criteria.
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