
Appreciation for performance during the 1 month period from September to October with the best manager nomination

Surabaya, October 15, 2022

PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. Is a company engaged in the construction sector. Not only has a commitment to provide the best service for customers, this company also always tries to give appreciation to employees with the best performance and high loyalty. In addition to a period of 3 months, there is also an assessment with the best period of 1 month.

In these activities, PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk. Having a routine agenda, namely evaluating the management who have made positive achievements in various categories of company performance with achievements in meeting performance targets and excellent improvements in managing. appreciation for the best manager performance appraisal in the last 1 month. On this occasion the best nomination in the period September-October fell on the LOGISTIC MANAGER (Rizky Firmansyah).

The Form of Company Appreciation for Employees

Giving awards to employees, which is a routine agenda, is indeed a mandatory activity held by the company. Not only to show appreciation by holding this event, it can also be a place for other employees to share experiences so that they can add insight and increase enthusiasm to continue to have good performance. Having many benefits, an agenda like this will continue to be held to motivate all staff and also as a positive form of appreciation from the company.
