
The Audit Committee of PT BANGUN KARYA PERKASA JAYA TBK held its third regular meeting in 2022

October 07, 2022 in Surabaya

The Audit Committee of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk is holding an offline and online meeting for the third time during 2022 which is fully attended by a quorum and led directly by the Independent Commissioner, Mr. Budi Herlambang, SH. MH., consisting of Mr. Ronald Sitolang, B.Acc. B.Comp and Mrs. Sheila Yovita SE. MSM., also attended by the President Commissioner of the Company, Mr. Pramana Budihardjo, ST

The discussion agenda included the discussion of the Financial Statements (non audited) semester I (Quarter-2) 2022 in which the Company's Board of Directors in this case was represented by the Company's President Director Mr. Dharmo Budiono, ST and accompanied by the Company's Director Mrs. Brigitta Notoatmodjo, ST. has achieved impressive achievements and posted a significant increase in profit. So that the Depth Equity Ratio (DER) also significantly decreased.

The next discussion is that the Company will be more selective in taking a project where the goal of maintaining profit is prioritized not just pursuing the income itself because the Company is committed to dismantling the general view in the capital market that construction issuers always suffer losses if even profits will get low profits and rarely contributing dividends to its investors, things like this will be broken through by the Company with the code KRYA which was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on July 25, 2022 ago. Thus, the Company hopes that it will attract many investors to invest their capital in PT BANGUN KARYA PERKASA JAYA TBK.

Let's save KRYA shares.

PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk.