
PT BANGUN KARYA PERKASA JAYA TBK Audit Committee Meeting with discussion of the 3rd Quarter consolidated financial report (3Q22)

The Audit Committee of PT Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk held offline and online meetings for the fourth time in 2022 which fulfilled the quorum and was chaired directly by the Independent Commissioner Mr. Budi Herlambang, SH. MH., consisting of Mr. Ronald Sitolang, B.Act. B.Comp and Mrs. Sheila Yovita SE. MSM., also attended by the President Commissioner of the Company, Mr. Pramana Budihardjo, ST

The discussion agenda included discussion of the 2nd semester (3rd Quarter) Financial Statements (Quarterly) Saturday 3 December 2022 where the Company's Directors in this case were represented by the Company's President Director Mr. Dharmo Budiono, ST and accompanied by the Company's Directors. Director Mrs. Brigitta Notoatmodjo, ST. has achieved impressive achievements and recorded a significant increase in profit with the following data Operating revenues increased in 3Q 22 with a value of Rp 158,554,947,779 Billion compared to 3Q21 with a value of Rp 81,847,086,993 Billion. Increase in gross profit in 3Q22 with a value of IDR 30,604,707,225 billion compared to 3Q21 with a value of IDR. 17,923,426,682 billion Total assets are currently recorded at IDR 188,890,186,952 billion with equity worth IDR 102,9958,331,548. billion and a liability of Rp. 85,931,855,404 billion

The company's finances at this time are very good for the company. The next discussion is that the company will add and expand customer projects that prioritize the goal of maintaining profits, so the increase in revenue is directly proportional to the profit income of PT BANGUN KARYA PERKASA JAYA TBK.


Team PT. Bangun Karya Perkasa Jaya Tbk.